Track community,
I want to apologize for the paperwork misunderstanding today. The communication mistake was mine and I sincerely apologize to anyone who was inconvenienced by the error. It is now clear that EVERY athlete needs a COVID waiver form with TRACK in the blank for "sport/activity". This form is required only once for the track season. (One does have the option of listing multiple sports and activities on the same form).
ALL athletes must complete the check-in in 2-hall each day. Circumventing the check-in process is not good for anyone. While we hope that it doesn't happen, athletes caught avoiding the check-in could face suspension from practice or meets.
ALL athletes will check-in at 3:00 pm for practice. We hope that everyone will be able to use this week to work out any kinks with transportation. In the event that transportation is an issue, as with all absences, athletes must use the absence reporting form: Practice plans will post to Canvas:
Thank you for all of your support, patience, and understanding,
Coach Neeway